Lost in America (1985)

Albert Brooks and Julie Hagerty star in a film about a couple that gives up on the rat race and decides to liquidate their assets, buy a mobile home, and hit the road.

Brooks is an incredibly whiny character, the type I can't stand to watch. He reminds me of Woody Allen, in the roles that made me strongly dislike him. Hagerty plays the timid, undeceive wife until they hit the road.

I hate to spoil the film with the adventures they run unto. Let's just say there are numerous parts of this movie that were painful to get through. I can't see why this is considered one of the funniest movies of all time. But then again, comedy is very subjective. I didn't like it, I'm glad it's over.

Vote: 5/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089504/

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