Stardust (2007)

I do remember this film coming out and through it was a kids film. It didn't peak my interest then, but for the sake of finishing a movie list [the modern 250] I gave it a chance.

Charlie Cox stars as Tristan, a young man set out to win the love of a girl by catching a falling star in a magical land. The star is Claire Danes, and no I'm not saying that her career is dying in this film, it is a fantasy were witches, kings, and this boy are all after the same prize for different reasons.

Michelle Pfeiffer plays a witch who is after the fallen star's heart because it restores youth, and Robert De Niro is a gay pirate who teaches Tristan to fight while helping them on their journey. This is indeed a kids film, not a bad one at that, but just not a movie made for me.

I could see watching this with my daughter some day [not soon], but for a watch by myself it wasn't all that great.

Vote: 6/10

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