The Last Exorcism (2010)

It seems like the number of exorcism films has been on the rise lately. Both sequels to the original and knock offs. I have to say this is the best one I seen in a while, and it even had me fooled for a while.

The film is shot as if it is a documentary. We follow around Cotton Marcus [Patrick Fabian], a preacher that tells the camera about how his father was a preacher and got him riling up the congregation as a kid. Now as an adult he isn't sure how much he really believes in what he says, and he has made a living of performing staged exorcists. He allows the documentary crew to follow him around on his "last" exorcism. So I'm not thrilled with the title of this film. It implies that this is either the last exorcism film in a series or that this is the final exorcism ever performed. Either way it pigeonholed it for me as another "last" horror film that isn't even close to a "last."

So you can guess how well this will go, right? Any time in a horror film someone says, this is the last time I'm going to do this, you know there will be trouble. So we see Cotton set up the room with speakers, props and other tricks to fool the girl, her brother, and her father. After the exorcism this don't improve, through some impressive lighting techniques it is much like The Blair Witch Project. We are constantly reassured that this is just a hoax, then have to second guess that conclusion.

Although I didn't get this a "worth watching" rating, for a horror flick it was pretty good.

Vote: 7/10

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