A Serious Man (2009)

A film like this really divides people. The leading character is a Jewish man with a lot going on in his life [pretty much all bad]. If you are like me you want him to stick up for himself and it will pain you to see that he just doesn't.

For some this is considered a thought provoking film. For most [including myself] it was painful to watch, directionless, and meaningless. Nothing is resolved, there doesn't seem to be much point in this film at all. It caters to a Jewish demographic that would find "some" humor in the sons actions at Hebrew school, but I just didn't get it.

It is hard to say much more than that, because I fear I might be considered racist for hating this "slice of life" film from the Jewish community in what appears to be the late 1960's. I don't think I would have liked it regardless of the religion however, it could have been a Catholic school with pointless scenes and I would have disliked it just the same. The opening sequence doesn't make sense and does not fit in with the rest of the movie... don't worry you rented the right film if it is subtitled and not what you expected.

Not worthy of a best picture nomination and makes me question why we needed 10 films for best picture, are there really 10 good movies every year?

Vote: 3/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1019452/

1 nhận xét:

  1. annoys me too. they did it just because it'll make people see more movies

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