The Cove (2009)

Having watched Food, Inc. I knew this was the other documentary of the year that I had to see. Bottom line, from the start, I liked Food, Inc. better. Could this have been my favorite against last years Oscar nominations? Absolutely.

There is a reason this is favored, and there is a reason this is a two film race. Both were great. Food, Inc. of course did what I expected from a great documentary, they delivered a message and proposed a solution. I felt this film was a little too short, went off course for about 10 minutes near the end, and came back with too little footage at the finale. Minor issues, but the reasons I would have it second on my ballot.

So what is this film all about?

You are probably fully aware that Whaling in Japan was a big issue 50 years ago. Now it is dolphin killing. They are herding them in, picking a few to sell to amusement parks, then slaughtering the rest.

The documentary talks about how they are hiding it, why the dolphin meat can't really be eaten anyways, and what they expect this to result in. Their solution is basically to join them... which is kinda unrealistic. But the message of this film is loud and clear. There are some very exciting parts, and some very sad parts.

Watch two documentaries this year, and make this your 2nd.

Vote: 8/10

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