Bridesmaids (2011)

Kristen Wiig has to be the funniest actress in a leading role right now. After watching her in roles with no freedom... Adventureland, Extract, Date Night, etc she has really shown how funny she can be as of late. She took Paul from being a joke to decently funny, and in her first film as a lead she really excelled.

Wiig is the latest Saturday Night Live comedian to hit the big screen and she has been actually making the weekly show worth watching again. [Along with Andy Samberg]. This film is not a comedy you watch with your parents. It is the kind of humor you would expect from the Farrelly Brothers [Dumb & Dumber, There's Something About Mary, etc] or Adam Sandler [except funny]. Unlike those companies that cater to male humor, fart jokes, etc. This one really does the same thing with women.

The female cast was excellent. Rose Byrne as the "new rich friend" Helen that Annie [Wiig] competes with. Maya Rudolph as the best friend Lillian [also from SNL, I honestly don't find Maya very funny, she was actually more of a serious character in this film, giving Annie's crazy character some balance]. Best of all might be Melissa McCarthy who some would say stole the show.

I really don't need to tell you the plot, the cast was good, the film was funny, and you should check it out.

Vote: 9/10

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