High Tension: Haute tension (2003)

The most recent film in Schneider's 101 Horror Films that I had left to see, this French film stars Cécile De France [seen recently in Hereafter]. I can't think or a French film that is more gory, and it is the kind of film I expected more of in the 101 book.

The film starts with the Marie [Cécile De France] being chased through the woods by a killer. She comes out of the dream and finds herself in a car next to her friend Alexia, on the way to Alexia's parents house. The girls are on some sort of school break and heading to Alexia's home late at night. We get the sense that Marie might have a thing for Alexia, Marie is a virgin and from the jesting between the two that Alexia is experienced in love. Late at night a man in a beat up van shows up at the house, he immediately murders Alexia's father then starts to make his way through the house, hunting down the rest of the family.

At only 90 minutes this film is worth watching. Hate foreign film? Look for a dubbed version, I think it's out there. You will find that this isn't as simple a story as you think. The long chase scenes are pretty intense, and it is very very bloody.

This was what I was hoping I would get from this 101 horror book, check it out.

Vote: 8/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338095/

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