A Tale of Two Sisters: Janghwa, Hongryeon (2003)

With High Tension [review] out of the way, this was my newest film from my 101 horror movies book to watch. Since the names aren't close at all I didn't catch that there has actually been an American remake of this film. The remake was called The Uninvited, it came out in 2009 and starred Emily Browning and Elizabeth Banks. It wasn't until I read this that I even realized the two followed the same script. I actually watched The Uninvited about two weeks before starting this blog and gave it a 7/10.

Fans of this film seem to hate the remake, and those that liked the remake tend to hate this film. Interesting how that can work; how a specific director can draw different fans with the same script. I'd have to put myself in the camp of the US remake. I tend to lean towards originals, but in this case I just didn't get the original.

There is a "main" twist, sorry if this spoils it for you, but it has to be discussed. The issue I have is that it gets very confusing and reality and fantasy are never really clarified. Maybe some people like this, but I'm the kind of person that likes that "gotcha" moment of clarity when a director makes everything clear. Hitchcock was a master at this.

This movie really was an 8 or 9 in the first hour, but I couldn't get it and really don't care to figure it out.

Vote: 6/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365376/

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