Leap Year (2010)

It takes a very special movie to get a 1/10. One so bad that you question, "Who screwed this thing up?" I start to ask did the director do a bad job with a decent script? Did Amy Adams think the script was good? Was it the writers fault? Was it bad from the start and the producer shouldn't have given it a green light?

The movie follows the cookie cutter romantic comedy line. Boy won't commit to girl, she meets bad boy, they don't get along, and she falls for bad boy in the end. You see it coming from the start, there is nothing to make you believe the movie is going to improve throughout it. So you have to be careful not to be overly critical because it is just that bad...

This is Amy Adams' first real bomb. She has had some average movies, I've liked her in everything since Junebug. Matthew Goode was fantastic in The Lookout... so I really have to blame the director here, Anand Tucker does not have a good resume and I will be avoiding him from now on.

Seriously, don't watch this movie.

Vote: 1/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1216492/

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