From the Manger to the Cross (1912)

I was not aware of the production date when I first watched this silent film. Now seeing that it was made in 1912 surprises me even more. It was a fantastic film about the life of Jesus. I found it very interesting that they stopped at the cross and left out the resurrection. The resurrection being what some denominations tend to disagree on.

So why am I surprised this was made 100 years ago? Well first off silent films tend to have this running dialogue that you can't hear and yields a one sentence subtitle cut in. This film was very clear on the story, easy to follow, and just well put together.

This was a good film to watch Easter weekend and a great addition to the National Film Registry. I don't see myself watching it again, or even suggesting it so I gave it a 7 instead of a 8, which I feel is the cusp between watching again and not. There are so many good movies about the life of Jesus out there that have been made in the last 100 years. For historical purposes I'm glad I watched this one.

Vote: 7/10

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