Superman III (1983)

Everyone should be familiar with Christopher Reeve's as the original Superman. This 3rd of 4 Superman films stars Robert Vaughn as the bad guy, and poor idiot savant Richard Pryor as the computer programmer conned into becoming a bad guy.

A film that is rated way to low on imdb... voters can be so serious sometimes. This movie wasn't going to win any Oscars but was at least fun! Pryor has some hilarious moments, and the computer scam he pulls was blatantly ripped off by Mike Judge in his film Office Space. Taking the rounded down 1/2 cents from payroll was thought up by the Newman Brothers for this film, so give it a little credit!

Anyways, all the Superman films are over two hours... which can really wear on you because they are all pretty slow at times. I honestly don't think we would have all the Marvel and DC Comic movies if it wasn't for this series and the Batman series to pave the way. Kinda fun, don't expect a lot from this film, and one of the few action movies that is good for all ages.

Vote: 7/10

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