Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)

I really wasn't quite sure what genre to place this film in before watching it. I thought it might fit best into drama or western, and I went ahead and watched it in western/war month. Now that I've seen it, I can definitely say that mystery is the best category for it. Which is a tough one to talk about without divulging the entertainment of the film.

We start the film with Spencer Tracy stepping off a train in the town of Black Rock, a small town where a train stopping is an irregular occurrence. He is immediately asked what he is doing there, and it is clear that something is being covered up. The men that approach him immediately assume that he is come sort of government agent there to investigate something.

The movie is all of an hour and twenty minutes and blows by really fast. Discovering his intentions in this small town and what the townspeople are hiding is the entire plot. If the film was much longer it would be annoying since it is pretty much laid out from the start.

Not a bad film, but I could see myself forgetting a film so simple in plot. A nice change from the typical western though.

Vote: 7/10

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