Synecdoche, New York (2008)

I've seen a few confusing films while attempting to finish all of these movie lists. The hardest of course has been the 1001 movies to see before you die book, which features a number of foreign film, avant-garde, experimental, and just plain strange films. First director that comes to mind is David Lynch with Mulholland Dr., Lost Highway, Blue Velvet , and the most bizarre film i've ever seen Eraserhead.

The most mainstream of these directors that think outside the box is Charlie Kaufman. Kaufman usually keeps his films someone understandable on first watch, and has many films worth two watches. Like Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. The thing about these films is that he WRITE them all but directed NONE of them. So Synecdoche, New York is actually Kaufman's directorial debut.

I watched this film please Ebert just loved it, and although I haven't found his quote he said something along the lines of "our generations Citizen Kane." How can you skip a movie like that? He even put it on his top ten films of the decade list. Like many have rebutted to Ebert, you liked the concept but the execution was not there.

I applaud Kaufman from trying to direct one of his highly complex films, but for me this was just another film starring Philip Seymour Hoffman that failed. Sorry Hoffman you are one of the best supporting actors ever... but not a lead. The movie just made no sense. I should have to read explanations of the film afterward to understand it. If I read those explanations and still don't get it then there is something very wrong with the film because what is film if it isn't a way to convey your ideas so an audience understands them.

The film follows a neurotic man through his life, through his slightly insane eyes. We jump year at a time with no direction other than people aging. He builds a fantasy land he calls a theater set for a show that will never happen, until his life eventually before this fantasy world. It will not make sense, and it isn't supposed to.

Vote: 2/10

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