Killer's Kiss (1955)

For some reason I thought this was Stanley Kubrick's first film. I was wrong, it was his second. Fear and Desire (1953) was his first, but nevertheless I have now seen 12 of his 13 feature films [I will review Lolita next week, #12], I've seen a higher percentage of his films than any other acclaimed director... save maybe Quentin Tarantino.

The interesting thing about this film is that Kubrick did just about everything except act. Maybe he has done this on other films, but I happened to notice that he is credited for directing, writing, producing, editing, and cinematography. This film has been on my to watch list for about 4 years now. I think I got it from netflix back when I got a bunch of Hitchcock films I plan on watching this October. It is a very short film noir movie with a 67 minute runtime and a plot that is far from deep. Basically about a boxer who gets mixed up with a girl who's boyfriend is violently jealous.

Compared to his film The Killing, made directly after this one, I really didn't like it at all. I gave The Killing a 10/10 [review here], and I would suggest you spend your time with that one instead.

Vote: 6/10

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