Audition: Ôdishon (1999)

With only 5 days left in Horror Month I finally got around to watching a foreign film. This film has been included on the 501 Must-See Movies and both the 1,001 and 101 Horror film lists. Foreign films are difficult to watch in their own respect since you have to focus on the text while trying to read expressions on the casts faces and follow the visual story.

Foreign suspense movies I find particularly difficult because you sometimes are reading the text and missing the "scary shadow" or some nuance that makes a horror movie a horror movie. For instance I loved the Ring, but the original Ringu was difficult for me to get interested in.

The Eastern Horror Flicks always tend to focus on a female tortured or abused in her childhood who comes back to get revenge. Either as a ghost (see: Ringu or Ju-on) or now as a scarred adult in Audition.

I was really starting to get into this film but felt that it slowed down a lot at the end, it lacked a lot of suspense that I think it could have easily added. If I am going to go through the trouble of watching a subtitled film I expect a lot and this just didn't deliver.

Vote: 5/10

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