Dead of Night (1945)

A 40's British film written by H.G. Wells, once again not much of a "Horror" film per se. In the 501 Must-See Movies book in the Horror Category. There are 8 films titled "Dead of Night" on imdb with the 1974 version on the 101 Horror list, so it looks like I'll be watching that next year.

This film brings back memories of Tales from the Crypt when I was a kid, there is a ventriloquist with an dummy. A dream within a dream. Ghosts. Hauntings. And a mirror that reflects different rooms and drives a man crazy. The constant shifts in stories is the core of the movie and the attempt to tie them all together, but it also makes you feel like you are watching a television show and not a film. I felt disconnected constantly and had trouble staying awake.

Vote: 5/10

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