Prom Night (2008)

A remake of the 1980 film with Jamie Lee Curtis this independent film has some definite flaws. It starts out in a flashback, or a dream, or the main character telling a therapist about a dream. You start wondering if it is what actually happened or not. You are never explained the situation of her moving in with her Aunt and Uncle, and when the psycho that murdered her family is on the loose they all decide it is better to not "ruin" her prom than to warn her the guy is on the loose. The police go after this guy with about 3 people at a time which makes it easy for him to take them down one-by-one.

The movie does however provide a number of cheap unnecessary thrills and kills, with a lot of stabbing that yields no blood, I guess they couldn't afford the fake blood. This is the perfect example that even bad movies shouldn't get a remake.

Vote: 4/10

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