Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974)

One of the films on my new movie list "101 Action Movies to See Before you Die," this might be an example of this book not necessarily being the best action movies. Instead it might be more of a collection of different types of action movies, and this bank heist film has big stars. Starring Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges, Bridges was nominated for an Oscar for his supporting role.

The film starts with Eastwood getting shot at while giving a sermon, and Bridges stealing a car off of a used car lot. The two run into each other and become friends. When Bridges learns Eastwood is a famous bank robber and begs him for the chance to do a  job together.

For an action movie this was very very dull. The prep for their heist was slow and boring. The action scenes are sparse, short, and not really that exciting. I really felt like this one was a waste of time and understand why I had never heard of it before. Skip this one.

Vote: 5/10

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