Last Year an Marienbad: L'année dernière à Marienbad (1961)

Yay, I have my new worst film of the year. Winning in a landslide is an artsy film with NO plot whatsoever. The type that I loath because it does not go anywhere or mean anything, nothing memorable to boot.

The film starts in the middle of scene in a chateau, e.g. French castle. All I can guess is that this class of society takes long summer vacations at estates like this and the two lead characters start a conversation in which the guy starts trying to convince the girl they met there last year. Hence the title.

He then vividly describes their encounter which she denies, or has forgotten. That's all. Really. The whole plot. Two hours of him trying to convince her they knew each other and her saying that she doesn't know him. Rubbish. 

Vote: 1/10

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