The Human Stain (2003)

This film was picked by the AFI as one of their top 10 films of the year, which means it must have been a really bad year for American Cinema. That, and I have much different taste than this board.

The film stars Anthony Hopkins as an African American with skin so fair he has hidden his past and family and pretended to be Caucasian for most of his life. Ironically he is fired as a professor because of a misconstrued racial slur towards several African American students. He starts a relationship with a very messed up lady, Nicole Kidman, who has been abused and through hurtful relationship her entire life. The kind of sob story character that is perfect for Kidman's whining acting style. Ed Harris plays her ex-husband, a little nuts from active combat in the military, and his role and performance was the saving grace that kept this film from getting a 1/10.

I really don't have much more to say, this film was horrible. Based on a book that did work as a film. Main reason, Hopkins did not fit the role... at all. Plus I don't like Kidman to begin with.

Vote: 2/10

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