Jackass 3D (2010)

So first of all I did not watch this in 3d, and the scenes that pandered to the 3D audience really weren't all that cool. It is pretty amazing that these guys are STILL doing this. Maybe I shouldn't admit that I've seen all the CKY videos and Jackass tv episodes, but if there is a guilty "guy movie" pleasure I get, it is from these stupid movies.

Let me say though, that this is the worst one yet on male nudity. I seriously could have done without all of that, especially the guy running around peeing on everyone. I do however love the practical jokes, and one of the opening scenes where they have a giant hand basically in an office break room knocking over unsuspecting people was really funny.

You already know if you will like a movie like this, if you liked the previous Jackass films this is pretty much the same thing.

Vote: 7/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1116184/

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