Don't Look Now (1973)

Starring Donald Sutherland (Father of Kiefer Sutherland) best known for his roles in MASH and JFK. Along with, Julie Christie better known for her role in Doctor Zhivago, or more recently, Finding Neverland and Away from Her (her latest Oscar Nomination).

This was not the film I expected to be closing horror month out with. I usually try and save one I was looking forward to, or a new release. I wasn't even sure if this film was foreign, it is based in Italy but the actors are American and there are very few subtitles. Sadly the only exciting or interesting about this film is the ending. I hate to ruin movies in my reviews but I simply can't find anything else to say about it. It drags along with nothing all that exciting happening, then BAM! out of nowhere we reach the climax of the film and it is over.

Vote: 6/10

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