Up (2009)

The latest Pixar film has really "flown" under the radar this year. This to me is usually a sign that it was not very good, because when WALL·E and Ratatouille came out these past two years there was a lot of buzz around them. This one has been about as popular as Cars, the last Pixar film that did NOT win the Oscar and may prove that they are not a lock every year.

The film starts with the main character as a child and fast forwards to him as an old man. There is quite a bit of adult themes running at the beginning and off the bad I thought this might be a more mature Pixar film than what I consider the least mature film Cars. The film quickly loses all plausibility when the house takes flight. Now I know from the previews that this is fantasy and so I bite my tongue and ignore this completely, however it seems like the director felt that this gave him free range to not close any continuity throughout the rest of the film. Much like Wall-E it takes an immature turn and although there are some funny lines and cute scenes this is not even close to the calibre of Pixar film I expected.

I will be very curious to see if The Princess and the Frog can give this film a run for the money in the Golden Globe and Oscar race this season.

Vote: 6/10

IMDB Rating: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1049413/

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