Departures: Okuribito (2008)

The dreaded Oscar foreign film winner... almost always a World War II film or just very long and slow. Departures completely suprised me, it is unlike any Oscar foreign film I've seen in the last four years, why? Because it balances comedy so well with drama, the story was eventful, and the characters were developed well.

The story is about a cello musician who takes a job preparing the dead for funerals. Granted, the plot line just sounds awful but Masahiro Motoki does an incredible job in the lead role. There are hints of comedy as he learns his new job and parts with being a Cello artist, and his new boss has a dry and sometimes dark sense of humor.

This isn't just my favorite foreign film from last years Oscars, it is one of my favorite overall. The beauty of this film is that you have no idea where it is taking you from start to finish. It does not get boring because it was not predictible, you are drawn into the characters and interested in the story. If you can find this one it is worth your time.

Vote: 8/10

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