Taken (2008)

Wow! I loved this movie. I watched it for the first time this summer and watched it again after a trip to Blockbuster with the family.

The plot is simple, his daughter has been kidnapped and he has to get her back before it is too late. Pierre Morel does a great job directing this film with non-stop action, I will be sure and catch his next film From Paris with Love next year with John Travolta.

Liam Neeson plays the bad ass dad out to get his daughter back. Maggie Grace (Shannon from "Lost") plays the very minor role of Kim the daughter who is kidnapped. If you watched Lost you know she plays a spoiled girl pretty well.

There is not much more to say than, "watch this film". You have enough of the storyline, and you should like Neeson already. I just wish the Bond series would hire Morel.

Vote: 10/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0936501/

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