Four Christmases (2008)

As a kid christmas was easy, the entire family came to our house, all I had to do was to the church and be patient for the present openings. There was very little travel, usually just a 20 minute drive across town every other year. Now that I live 5 hours from my family and my parents are divorced I personally have three christmases. Mine aren't nearly as colorful as the stars of this film, but it definitely gives me a perspective on their travels.

So the storyline is that Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon have been avoiding travelling to visit their families for three straight years. This year they have to visit the families, both of them have divorced parents so they have four stops to make in one day.

With parents played by members played by Robert Duvall (Apocalypse Now), Sissy Spacek (Carrie), Jon Voight (Varsity Blues), and Mary Steenburgen (The Proposal).
Other family members include Dwight Yoakam, Tim McGraw, and Kristin Chenoweth.

This was a very fun slapstick comedy about dealing with families during the holidays, and worth watching as you plan your next holiday trip. Expect the same character from Vaugh you are used to and he will find a way to wear a hawaiian shirt at some point also.

Vote: 7/10

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