Escape from L.A. (1996)

There is a certain segment of movies that came out when I was a young teenager that were a little old for me at the time. Ones that would have commercials during my favorite shows, or interviews on late night when I stayed up late on weekends. They all of course looked awesome, but I wasn't much of a movie watcher back then anyways, and with time were forgotten. When I come across one of these gems from time to time I instantly go, "Oh yeah, I wanted to see that!!!" This was one of those films. Little did I know this was a sequel to Escape from New York (1981), nor did I realize that Kurt Russell could act worse than Chuck Norris.... in a good way of course.

From the DOS computer game quality navigation in vehicles, to the holograms and giant cell phones this film delivers on cheese. Lets not forget the awesome soundtrack featuring Tool and White Zombie; Throw in some Stabbing Westward, Gravity Kills, and Deftones and you have a soundtrack of music I grew up to.... whether that belongs in the background of a movie or not...probably not.

This movie does have everything, eye patches, gliders with visible guide cables, surfing on waves created by earthquakes, shoot or die basketball. Wow... Fun fact is that Russell actually made all of his shots in the basketball scene, so we know at least one element of this movie is real, it is almost comical to think he spent time practicing is shot as much as rehearsing his lines. Lets not forget Steve Buscemi playing one of his slimiest characters and Pam Grier with a man's voice.

Easily one of the [Best] Worst Movies of the 90's... if you take the time to watch this focus on the extras... they are hilarious.

Vote: 5/10

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