Last Chance Harvey (2009)

Starring Emma Thompson (Sense and Sensibility, Love Actually, Stranger Than Fiction) and Dustin Hoffman (also Stranger Than Fiction, e.g. where these two met), this is a film about second chances.

Harvey's (Dustin Hoffman) job is on the line and so is his relationship with his daughter (as we learn in the opening credits), and also isn't until their "second chance" that Harvey meets Kate (Emma Thompson).

This was a suprisingly short film, and I am definitely not the target audience. A good romantic flick but I can see how this got overlooked for the Oscars. The Globes tend to jump on films with big names early hoping they will pan out, but the lack of a buzz yielded no awards and no Oscar Nominations.

I do not regret watching this film, but I don't want to watch it again.

Vote: 6/10

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