Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)

Ah Michael Moore, everyone's favorite documentary maker... to hate. No one gets more grief than him, mainly with due cause. He is the same and opposite as Glenn Beck (Fox News nutcase), same in his slanted views only showing one side of the story. Same because they are both hypocrites... different because they are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Different because I think Moore could have a rational conversation with the most radical Republicans, and Beck can't have a rational conversation with himself. Lets get back on topic..

Moore's films all have the same rhythm to them. He starts with the doom and gloom. Then gives some heartfelt story, bashes fat cats and republicans, then performs some ridiculous stunt.

So in this film, he compares us to the Romans... very funny. He gives examples of middle class American's having their homes taken from them... sorry variable interest rates were a bad idea. Then he compares all of this to his hometown Flint, Michigan (he has to compare everything awful with the only thing he really knows well). Then he tries to make a citizens arrest on bank CEO's... Which of course doesn't get past their front door and is really really boring footage.

I think Moore makes some really good points, but the ridiculous stunts and way off topic stories that are just trying to pull at your emotions make it very hard to side with him. If you liked Sicko and Fahrenheit 9/11 you will like this, it is just like any other Moore film...

Vote: 7/10

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