Crazy Heart (2009)

This is one I had planned on watching before the Oscars but just didn't have time. Jeff Bridges won the oscar for best actor and the theme song won best song. You probably know Bridges from his character "The Dude" in The Big Lebowski, or his most recent hit Iron Man where he plays the villain.

Sadly I just found this film boring. Bridges plays a washed up, alcoholic country singer who travels around playing gigs in bars around the southwest. I wasn't a fan of his character, I wasn't a fan of the pace of the film, and I really really don't like Maggie Gyllenhaal. Couple that with her classless interview on the Daily Show where she gave Jon Stewart crap for not going to the theater and seeing this film.

Like I said, I really wanted to like this film. It is almost 1/2 music, I liked Colin Farrell as Tommy, Robert Duvall turned in another solid performance as a bartender and friend. The film wasn't that long but sure did feel long. I can't see recommending it. If you want to see Bridges in his best performance, and the one that should have won the Oscar, watch The Big Lebowski. If you have already seen that one, then watch The Fabulous Baker Boys [and tell me how it is].

Vote: 6/10

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