The King of Kong (2007)

This film is about uber-dorks [super dorks]. Die hard classic game fanatics who spend countless hours trying to set world record high scores in 25 year old arcade games like: Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Missile Command, etc.

This storyline follows a feud between Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell over the Donkey Kong high score. Apparently Donkey Kong is considered the hardest of the classic games and there are only 6 recorded times that anyone has beaten the final level (the "kill level") and these two have each done it three times.

A very interesting sub-plot for me is Wiebe [weebee] maintaining a family at the same time. He clearly neglects his kids and wife throughout the film. The best quote of the movie comes after Steve explains to his daughter that it is important to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, her response is, "So a lot of people ruin their lives to be in there." Ironic that a 10-year-old girl can recognize that her father is wasting his life on this game, yet these adults still can't come to this realization.

Watching this film was very high on my to-do list this week with the Texas Pinball festival coming up this weekend. I've managed to attend two of the last three, only being able to handle a couple hours until being either sick of it or with a headache so bad I just have to get out. It is amazing to see what people commit their time, energy, and lives to, and to reap the result of their hard work for a few hours is well worth it to me.

I really enjoyed this documentary.

Vote: 8/10

IMDB Link:

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