Ordinary People (1980)

Starring Timothy Hutton as the younger son, with Mary Tyler Moore and Donald Sutherland as the parents. This film is about a family dealing with the death of a teenage son. The surviving brother of the accident blames himself, and the mother blames him as well.

This is a heavily emotional tearjerker. You really feel for the son and what he is going through with this emotional burden. I didn't even recognize Mary Tyler Moore as the mother for a good 30 minutes of the film, and it was very interesting to see Donald Sutherland 30 years younger than his current performances. I'm used to him as a grandfather, not a father.

Timothy Hutton won the Oscar, Robert Redford won best director, the film won best picture, and the script won best screenplay. 4 Oscars and listed on the 100 greatest screenplays of all time.

If you have trouble making it through an emotional film, then this is not for you. There are some fantastic acting performances here, and I really liked the storyline, it is a must watch if you like dramas.

Vote: 9/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081283/

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