Extraordinary Measures (2010)

One of my favorite films early into this year. I expected this to be a cheap Harrison Ford action film, guess I forgot to read the synopsis. Ok, so Brendan Fraser does not have the best track record, and Ford is not always the best in dramatic roles.

This film is about a family who have two children suffering from an incurable disease. The father (played by Fraser) and mother (played by Keri Russell) work tirelessly to support the family while trying to find solutions.

Fraser stumbles on an article written by a professor in Nebraska (the professor is played by Ford) and pays him a visit. They then work together to not only create a cure, but to make it an FDA approved drug.

The film is not only a good look into a family and their struggles, but is it also a look at how you would go about bringing a drug to the open market. The discussions on the aspects a drug company consider when granting the team funding was new and interesting to me. A good watch and good acting that I didn't expect.

Vote: 9/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1244659/

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