Terminator Salvation (2009)

Starring Christian Bale (Batman) and Sam Worthington (Avatar) this science fiction film is part 4 in the Terminator series where we follow John Conner after the machines have attacked and all but taken over the world. Worthington plays a man who submitted his body for research after a death sentence involving the death of his brother. He wakes up to a world completely changed and the entire plot follows two story lines. One of Marcus Wright, the man back from the dead, and one of John Conner the proclaimed savior of the human race.

McG directed this film, you have probably seen several films that he has produced and maybe one that he has directed (We Are Marshall, Charlie's Angels, or an Offspring or Sublime music video). He has definitely come under some heat from critics, mainly for his Charlie's Angels films, I blame the leading actresses on those... and for going by "MCG." I find most of this hate misguided, the 3rd film in this series was just awful and I found this one to be much better.

The actors are better, the action is more exciting, and as I commented while watching it; he doesn't blatantly shake the camera while constantly changing angles and spinning around the main character. Something Michael Bay loves to do.

This series didn't need another movie, fans of the originals need to take these with a grain of salt. It isn't a remake and it had some good action. I for one liked it. I didn't love it, and I don't want to see it again, but I am happy I watched it and will continue to watch Worthington, Bale, and McG films.

Vote: 7/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0438488/

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