The Golem: Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (1920)

If anything, this film is a precursor to Frankenstein (1931). A Golem is an animated being made from inanimate matter, and activated by a Rabbi. This silent German film was very difficult to watch, the video quality took away greatly from the not very exciting storyline.

A German expressionistic film about a ruler who wants to banish all Jewish people from the village because he has a premonition that they would rise against him. Ironically banishing them gave them reason to rise up, and the way they rose was to create this Golem. Just like you would expect from a horror film, they were unable to control the Golem after creating it.

I just can't see recommending a film of such low quality and lacking in story. There are other better films, but that isn't even the point, it was just hard to get through and not really worth following closely. Part of the "101 Horror Movies to See Before You Die," a new list created by the same author as "1001 Movies to See Before You Die" last year. He is wrong, you aren't missing anything here.

Vote: 2/10

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