Fat City (1972)

This film is about the lives of two boxers at different points in their lives and the decisions they make. Stacy Keach plays Tully [I can only see the dad from the tv show "Titus" when I see him], a washed out boxer past his prime who has a drinking problem and constantly talks about how he is going to get back in the ring soon. Jeff Bridges plays Ernie, a kid fresh out of high school just getting into boxing with a little push from Tully.

There are no hero moments in this film, Tully is what he is, he is able to get in the ring again but it isn't anything special. Ernie has some minor success but we're not winning any championships with this film. More of a slice of life, and nothing compared to the films Raging Bull and Rocky, which both came out after this one.

Unless you are a big Bridges fan or just really like boxing movies then skip this one.

Vote: 5/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068575/

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