Up in the Air (2009)

This is my current vote for the Golden Globe and Oscar this year. The content fits the position many Americans are facing right now, or at least something most fear is coming soon.... layoffs.

When a boss doesn't have the guts to layoff his employees then they hire someone like Ryan [George Clooney] to do the dirty work. Ryan is someone who spends over 300 days a year travelling and someone who does not have any healthy relationships and preaches this lifestyle to others.

This is a very dark comedy, or a recent term I've heard coined is "dramody" something that makes you laugh but is not really that funny... more sad.

I found that all the characters had something wrong with their lives. All of them. It is pretty sad because it seems like this is just reality, and I dare not delve into this since this is the movie to watch this year. Vera Farmiga is excellent but overshadowed by Anna Kendrick who has the best chance at the supporting actress Oscar here. It will be interesting to see what awards materialize from this film.

Vote: 8/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1193138/

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