It's Complicated (2009)

What an awful movie... I can't begin to tell you how bad this is. Cheesy, unrealistic, unfunny, and bad acting.

Plot: Divorced couple's son is graduating so they are staying in the same hotel, get drunk and sleep together. Streep has been single since the divorce and regrets the decision. Baldwin is married to the woman he had an affair with, is now unhappy with this home life and happy to be back with Streep. Martin is an architect hired to help Streep with a home edition and going through a divorce as well, so they start dating while she is having an affair with her ex-husband...

So the super-mom [Streep] has a perfect home, ocean view, raised 3 perfect kids, owns multiple bakeries, and lives close to the city in a secluded country home, but goes to therapy and is still getting over her divorce 10 year later. Meanwhile, Baldwin's new wife is rich and their biggest concern is trying to have another kid. It is really amazing how UNcomplicated their lives really are.

I have nothing nice to say, so if you still want to see it there are other reviews out there that might be nicer.

Vote: 2/10

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