Coco Before Chanel (2009)

Nominated for an Oscar for costume design, basically the end scene showcasing the Chanel line was enough for the nomination alone. On the other hand the entire film has great costumes, but the main thing is that the film has substance as well.

I consider this a sleeper. Nothing was mentioned about the acting or script at awards season but this one really impressed me. I love a good biography and I felt that I not only got a good feel for the life of Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel, played by Audrey Tautou. But I also got a good plot with conflict and surprises. The men in her life were not easy to pin as either villain or hero, rather they had redeeming qualities and it seemed very realistic. I had to choose for myself what I thought was the better choice for her, rather than a Hollywood film that makes the villain so bad and the hero so good that you don't even need to think for yourself.

Foreign, so be ready to read, but this one is good.

Vote: 9/10

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