You Can Count on Me (2000)

The American Film Institute spent a decade creating Top 100 lists from American Cinema, the 100 Thrills, Passions, Laughs, Cheers, All-Time, Villains, etc. But they also started something new at the turn of the Century. They started releasing a top 10 American Films of the Year starting in 2000. This is one of the films on that inaugural list. Two months later it was also nominated for two Oscars. Laura Linney for best Actress and also for Best Screenplay. It didn't win either. It is also one of the last three films on my imdb Top 250 from 2003 and 2004.

Enough about why I watch it. This is a brother and sister drama centered around the brothers emotional issues; Terry played by Mark Ruffalo. After their parents die in a car wreck Sammy, played by Laura Linney, is left to take care of her brother. The children are now grown up and are both pretty screwed up. Terry can't handle the small town and lacks direction and Sammy is a single mother who works at the bank and lacks direction with relationships.

Matthew Broderick plays the new bank boss and Rory Culkin plays Rudy, Sammy's son. The film is an emotional mess. All of the characters have major flaws, and there is little to no resolution in the film to any of this. This is also the point of the film, life isn't easy and Hollywood doesn't have to make life look perfect all the time. I had trouble leaning either way on this film, and 6/10 seemed the most appropriate. I probably would have given it a higher rating if I would have seen it when it came out, but it just good acting in a forgettable movie.

Vote: 6/10

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