A Single Man (2009)

Thank god I didn't know what I was getting myself into on this one. Easily the worst film of the Oscar ballot of the year, right next to the other A ___ Man movie [A Serious Man]. The film is about a college professor, Colin Firth, struggling with the loss of his gay lover. Julianne Moore plays the girl he almost settled down with, but who still hangs around as a friend. Nicholas Hoult, better known from his role in About a Boy 8 years ago, now a young man, plays a college student with a crush on his professor.

This film moves very slow as Firth constantly laments on screen and we get glimpses of the relationship he once had. This one will put you to sleep.

Vote: 3/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1315981/

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