Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I (2010)

Wow am I lost. Does anyone remember details from a movie they saw a decade ago? I started writing this blog to remind myself of all the movies I watch. I don't see how anyone will understand what is going on in this movie without the first six films even a little fresh in their minds.

I will "re-review" this in June when I rewatch the entire series the month before the final chapter is released. Until then I have to critique the fact that the director does a horrible job catching people up in the story.

If you ever watched LOST you know that they take 2-4 minutes every week to give you the necessary background to follow the episode. They assume that the audience did watch the previous episodes, but do not require them to have memorized the details. Harry Potter movies have never ever done this. Why? Don't you realize these film won't be able to stand on their own even twenty years from now because of this?

I'm not quite sure I understand what was going on most of the time, and since this is a part one there isn't any conclusion at all. I'm sure I will like it a lot better when I know what is going on, but this was crap. 3/10 on its own, maybe an 8/10 since the acting was good next year... until then... if you decide to watch this one you better know what happened in the last 6.

Vote: 6/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0926084/

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