Wendy and Lucy (2008)

I turned this on one afternoon while my daughter was taking a nap. I figured that at only 80 minutes this would be a quick and easy watch. As part of the AFI Top 10 of the Year I expected it to be pretty good.

The leading actress, Michelle Williams, had just gone through a breakup with Heath Ledger and this film was in progress filming when her ex-fiance died. I had heard rumblings of Oscar nominations for her performance so again, I expected good things.

The movie was very slow, and very boring. Williams plays Wendy. A girl who appears to be down on her luck, making her way across the country in search of work. We learn little about her background and when Lucy disappears she has no one to blame but herself.

A slice of life film I could have done without. Decent performance by Williams, but for such a weak movie overall I see why it garnished zero nominations.

Vote: 6/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1152850/

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