Top Hat (1935)

What a painfully annoying plot. I'm going to go on a complete tangent with this review. I always hear about how stupid the general public is for the average films that do well at the box office these days. I don't get it. Films like Avatar have depth and plot, reviews are mixed but generally good. Romantic comedies don't do that well because people find them dumb. Kids movies can't really be counted because they are made to have simple plots so the audience can easily follow. It just baffles me a movie like Top Hat was able to do so incredibly well in the 1930's. We have progressed a lot in the last 70 years in what the general movie going audience watches.

This movie has some great dancing. Fred Astaire and
Ginger Rogers are fantastic together... but they aren't good enough to make this hour and a half bearable. The jokes are horrible. The running gag of them not knowing who each other are is ridiculous. They beat around the bush about it, but they had sex and she doesn't even know what his name is. I want to cut out the 15 minutes of dancing and ditch the rest.

When people go on about how bad modern box office hits are I'll be referring to this one to show just how far we have come...

Vote: 4/10

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