Take the Money and Run (1969)

Probably my favorite of the Woody Allen films on the AFI 100 Laughs. He plays Virgil Starkwell a man who has failed at just about everything in life, from petty crime as a kid to a bank robber as an adult.

The film plays out with a narrator and as if it were a documentary about the life of Virgil. He has interviews with his parents, school teachers, and other throughout his life. The film is over-the-top humor making up skits along the way that play with words and day-to-day slang. Witty but sometimes annoying it is much better than the other Allen movies I'm used to because he doesn't just whine.

Janet Margolin plays his wife, I would be lying if I said I recognized anyone in this film other than Allen. This doesn't really matter though, especially in a comedy. If you like Allen I'm sure you'll like this one. It definitely had me laughing a few times and it is one of the few I agree should be on the AFI 100 Laughs.

Vote: 7/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065063/

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