Religulous (2008)

Oh Bill Maher, what a confused and sad individual. I will do my best to explain why this movie sucked, not because I disagree with everything Maher says, but because of how poorly compiled this film is.

The point of this film seems to be discrediting all the religions of the world. I'm not sure if Maher wants to believe in something, or if he is just trying to point out stupid and confused individuals. The thing about this film is that it is almost unwatchable. For one the production values are incredible low, boom mikes and other pieces of audio equipment frequently show up in shots. Probably such a bad running joke that they just make it look intentional at the end with cheap shots of cameras filming camera crews. I hate it when documentaries do this.

First and foremost though is Maher's inability to have a discussion with anyone credible. He allows people that have no merit when speaking on religion to talk themselves into a hole. Any time he speaks to someone credible that defends his outrageous "points" he cuts them off constantly. People are constantly saying "can you please let me finish?" then he proceeds to through another random allegation at them and cut to a different interview. He speaks to truckers about Christianity, ex-Mormons about Mormonism. The single credible person he talks to is an astrologer at the Vatican. The one person that brings some credible discussion to the table.

There was no point to this film. There was no goal. There was little to no worthwhile discussions. All there was, was religion bashing. Maher speaks of his childhood with his mother. This part actually made me want to cry. Their family had NO IDEA why they went to church growing up. Maher learned NOTHING from going to Sunday school. It is very sad to me to see someone with absolutely no faith in anything, and confused about everything.

I'll pray for you Bill, hopefully you find faith in something other than making fun of people.

Vote: 2/10

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