The King And I (1956)

Yul Brynner & Deborah Kerr star in one of the best Rodgers & Hammerstein films and overall musicals of all time. Winner of 5 Oscars and 2 Golden Globes and a film for all ages.

This has been the best movie in musical month so far. Brynner was fantastic, Kerr wasn't bad, I hate to say that a number of actresses could have made that role work for them, but she was a good fit and had a good voice to back it up. Back to Brynner though, his comedic timing and over usage of "American" terms were fantastic, like the "etc., etc." he uses. It reminded me of Seinfeld using the "yada yada."

This is the kind of musical that Rodger & Hammerstein made formulaic though. With key musical voices in specific roles, and with songs consistent and well placed. To me the story had a few holes, like what was her son doing during all of this? Did he have his own room, was he in class with the King's kids? Overall I really liked it and am a little surprised this isn't in the imdb 250.

Vote: 8/10

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