Cat People (1942)

Old of the last really old films on my 101 Horror Movie list. A film that was actually remade in the 80's, and was just as highly acclaimed. The premise behind the film is that a Serbian immigrant, Irena (played by Simone Simon) is courted by an American Oliver Smith (played by Kent Smith). They get married, and are living together, we aren't sure how long, and she tells him the story of her dissidents and how they turn into tigers when kissed.

So they are married and still haven't kissed, you can tell Oliver is sexually frustrated, and falls for a coworker. The film actually has some pretty good chilling moments. Not what I would really consider a "horror" in modern terms. Anything that gave you a scare or chill was a horror 70 years ago.

Still another "Just Average" horror film.

Vote: 7/10

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