Vampyr: Not Against the Flesh (1932)

I can't get part how annoying it is when a film becomes popular 50 years after being made because it was so artistic and people of that era were too stupid to realize how good it was.

This is one of those films. The director had a nervous breakdown because it was a flop, yet Criterion felt that it was so great it had to be restored.

This is an old German vampire film, mostly silent, but still with some talking. Very few subtitles, and some panels of text. It is VERY quiet, put you to sleep quiet.

This film has one redeeming quality, and probably the one that gets it some much recognition to this day. The exposure techniques to show shadows walking around were excellent. If I could cut out these one or two scenes, they would be the only portion worth watching. I still can't completely comprehend how they were made, but it was cool.

Not really worthy of any "top film" lists though.

Vote: 4/10

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