A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

I've been about 50/50 on these horror movie restarts. The remade Friday the 13th... not good, remade Halloween... good but not the sequel, so I was hoping for the best here.

It made me nervous that it was given to Samuel Bayer to direct, since he doesn't really have much of a resume. Produced by Michael Bay so you know we are due for an explosion or two even if the storyline doesn't call for one.

The thing about this series is that he really has had the weakest storyline over the numerous films... but that is not why we tuned in. We tuned in because we loved Freddy Krueger and replacing Robert Englund is no easy task. This is the critical piece to the series reboot. They ended up going with Jackie Earle Haley, (George from Shutter Island, Rorschach from Watchmen, Ronnie from Little Children) who to me is just a creepy dude, but not in a funny way like Englund. He plays a mentally disturbed molester in his role as Ronnie, so the resume was there.

The thing about the movie is it just fell flat. First off, if you are going to reboot a series you have to start with a good first film that gives a nice prequel to give a full background. Take a lesson from Batman Begins or Halloween, both did an excellent job with this. Instead they are so vague that someone who doesn't know about Freddy doesn't really learn about him until the last 20 minutes of the movie, to me this unfolded all wrong. Haley didn't have enough cheesy jokes, and the audience doesn't have any remorse for Freddy. If your villain is going to talk we have to have some sort of conflict and desire to side with him a little. Seriously how many horror villains talk? Especially in slasher films. This could and SHOULD have been better.

Vote: 6/10

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1179056/

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